
Jonathan Hielkema
Jonathan Hielkema (b. 1994) grew up in Twisk and Hoorn, The Netherlands. In 2018 he finished the BA Photography at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague, the city in which he also lives and works. During his enrollment in the art academy, he also followed the MSc Media Technology program at Leiden University. Last year he finished a political fellowship at BKB Academy ‘20, Amsterdam.
Currently, he takes part in the MA program F for Fact at Sandberg Institute.
His approach is provocative, containing personal involvement and unbeknownst collaborations, resulting in explosive and often uncomfortable works that challenge people’s biases about society and common-sense.
Previous works address ‘touchy’ subjects such as privileges, the status quo, exploitation, and worryism. I am privileged, I am the status quo, I am being exploited and I am worried.