When Fact is Fiction
Documentary Art in the Post-Truth Era
Published by Valiz in the Antennae-Arts in Society series
Nele Wynants (ed.)
What is the value of fiction at a time when fake news, alternative facts and infotainment undermined the integrity of politics and media?
This question is the common thread of When Fact is Fiction. The ambiguous relationship between the documentary and the imaginary has been investigated and questioned within the arts for decades (…).
With contributions by Pascal Gielen, Andrea Gorki, Charlotte Lybeer, Sigrid Merx, Patrícia Portela, Jonas Rutgeerts, Nienke Scholts, Katharina Smets, Elly van Eeghem, Peter van Goethem, Stefan Vanthuyne, Ludovik Vermeersch and Nele Wynants.